Should people doing "KDF" just ignore your opponents actions?

You sometimes come across the view that a principle of "kdf" is that you should just ignore your opponent's actions. A classic example from Facebook: "if you purport to be fighting using KdF, there is a reason a principle is to ignore your opponent and their actions." Ignoring for a second that the phrase "ignore what your opponent is doing" is generally the basis of all Bullshido martial arts, I was wondering what the basis for this was in the sources. For this I'm using the Hagedorn / Chidester version of the Liechtenauer recital from Wiktenauer. The highest basis, I think, in the treatise is from the four openings: "Vier plössen wisse, Reme so schlestu gewisse, An alle vare, An zweÿfel wie er eparr" Which is translated with a Wiktenaur gold star rating to: "Four openings know, aim: so you hit certainly, without any danger, without regard for how he acts. " Which seems pretty conclusive: you attack ig...