Attack & defend drill
Attack & Defend
Drill –
Partner up, find measure so that you require one step to strike
your partner. Taking a short step forwards (i.e. a lunge) strike at your
opponent who will defend with the appropriate parry. Defender can either remain
still or withdraw the front foot when they parry. For this drill follow this
cutting pattern using flicks to start with:
Cut 1: crown strike (starting from your right but ending straight down)
Cut 2: diagonal strike from your top right
Cut 3: horizontal strike from your right
Cut 4: under strike from your right
Cut 5: under strike from your left
Cut 6: horizontal strike from your left
Cut 7: crown strike (starting from your left but ending straight down)
Cut 5: under strike from your left
Cut 6: horizontal strike from your left
Cut 7: crown strike (starting from your left but ending straight down)
In this drill you take turns and you both follow this pattern
so it ends up looking like this:
1. Person1
lunges and performs crown strike, person2 parries through high guard
2. Person2
then lunges and performs crown strike, person1 recovers into high guard
3. Person1
lunges and performs diagonal strike, person2 recovers and parries through high or
low guard
4. Person2
lunges and performs diagonal strike, person1 recovers and parries through high or
low guard
This drill encourages people to train with all the cuts, trains people to parry as a part of their recovery, drills
measure and is significantly better than having doing solo cutting drills. It’s
important that participants are actually in measure and landing their cuts so
that if participants are not parrying currently they get struck.
It is also very, very important to highlight that unless you
are doing 19th century historical fencing within the rules and
customs of that time, however that this turn taking approach is just a strength
and muscle memory trainer not something that you would expect to reflect a real
There are many, many variations depending on what technique
you wish to drill, such as:
1. Perform
the same cuts with moulinets
2. Perform the same cut lines but with the false or flat edges
2. Perform the same cut lines but with the false or flat edges
3. Intersperse
the cuts with thrusts so that it goes, for example: crown strike, parry, high
thrust, parry, diagonal strike, parry, low thrust, parry etc.
4. Change
the footwork so that one partner is advancing with every cut while the other is
retreating with every parry
5. Change
the type of parry, for example if you are working on beating you can parry
with a beat rather than a static parry.
6. Random strike, number all the strikes from 1-4 (or 7 if you're doing both inside and out) and get someone to call out the number. This introduces a random element.
7. Practicing with your off hand it's a great way to build ambidexterity
6. Random strike, number all the strikes from 1-4 (or 7 if you're doing both inside and out) and get someone to call out the number. This introduces a random element.
7. Practicing with your off hand it's a great way to build ambidexterity
Longsword variation
To make this drill work well with longsword it's best alternate between inside and outside strikes, striking from the left and then the right changing the lead foot each time.
To make this drill work well with longsword it's best alternate between inside and outside strikes, striking from the left and then the right changing the lead foot each time.
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